I know I've been awful at blogging. But my life just is not THAT exciting. Let's see what has happened... Lizzy and I were lucky enough to have Julia come stay here for like a week. We also went to Las Vegas for her birthday, which was a blast. Lizzy was just saying today how happy she was that she got to meet my dad and that he reminds her of one of our old (and favorite) teachers, Mr. Rutter. We also have played dress up a couple times for dance parties, and Julia put my hair in a spike thing... haha. Umm life is okay at the moment. 2 of my finals are Wednesday. I already took one and I ended up with a B+ in that class, so that is good. December is going to be a very lonely month with most of Logan clearing out...I however will be here working because I am poor. I havent even been grocery shopping in over a month. We also got a new Roommate, named Brittany. She is one of LIzzy's sorority sisters. And i LOVE her. She is really great, and I am glad she is living with us. Ooh and I got to move from the smallest room in the apartment to one of the 2 biggest :). I am, oh, so very happy. I also got an iphone which I absolutely love. Dayne's sister had a beautiful baby girl on Saturday, and I spent a night in Dayton at his family's..which is always good (no, we are not back together and we probably wont ever be... i just love his family and wanted to see the baby). What else? Oh I went bowling with my friend Ryan and i did sooo good :). We actually were tied at one point which was fun ha. I ended up bowling a 177 the second time...he bowled a 72 i think haha. And the first time we both bowled about a 140. It was a lot of fun. Basically that is all that's going on. And I'll try to be more consistent in my blogging.
But for now, that is all! Oh! Jk i just remembered ONE more thing. I made Dayne the coolest cake for his birthday a couple weeks ago... Pictures are below :)

Girl I miss you! So, what's going on with the situation with Dayne? We should hang out and catch up!
Sara my dearest!! I love you and miss you so much... Sounds like you are having a good time!! Love the hair haha! Let's play real soon!! :)
Dev.. we for sure need to catch up! Call me :) I dont have your number anymore b/c mine got deleted! And the Dayne thing is just at we're broken up right now. And I have no idea if we'll ever get together again. But i'm hoping!
And gidgy I miss you too. love you!
Dev.. we for sure need to catch up! Call me :) I dont have your number anymore b/c mine got deleted! And the Dayne thing is just at we're broken up right now. And I have no idea if we'll ever get together again. But i'm hoping!
And gidgy I miss you too. love you!
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