Saturday, March 14, 2009

Goodbye Circles Hello Color!

I forgot to ever post pictures of our remodeling done to our living room... Lizzy and I just couldnt handle it one day, so we adventured to Bed Bath and Beyond where we found... NOTHING. We then went to Hobby Lobby. Holy Moly, don't go there and expect to come out without a big chunk of money disappearing. Everything in the whole store was 50% off. So, we went a little Crazy and here is our final product...along with a small addition to the kitchen. Maybe next apartment we'll go kitchen crazy, we will see. I am glad our roommates can put up with our crazy spur of the moment ideas. They are great. We got color happy... There is also a  pink, green, and black rug underneath the middle table. 
Good Bye to the TERRIBLE circles!!
We asked if we could burn 
them... they said no. 
:( haha. They each 
 kept one. 
Who knows why... 

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